An Alternate Reality

Wobbly Wheels

I’ve had some wobbly wheels in my life.

From grocery carts
to bent car rims
to a bike in the basement
with 2 flat tires.

And there have also been
Uncertain crossroads
Unclear destinations
Uneven relationships
Uneasy finances

Throw in some
Unexpected illnesses
Unhappy losses
Uninspired moments
Unfulfilled expectations

And it seems that life has been
pretty wobbly.

But that’s not ALL it has been…

I’ve had
Smooth rides
Surprising turns
Wondrous discoveries
Glorious friends

And I’ve
Sung soul lifting music
Lifted my face in spring rain
Danced through labyrinths
and cuddled tiny babies.

So, although there have been many
bumps in my life,
I can still push the wobbling cart
and get the shopping done.

Comments on: "Wobbly Wheels" (1)

  1. You have such a gift for making connections! The wobbly wheels as a metaphor for life’s unexpected turns and bumps – I love that idea. And somehow we still manage to get “the shopping” done, even if imperfectly.

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