An Alternate Reality

Archive for October, 2016



So, we’re all that’s left now-
e elders
the crones
the wise women.

How can that be,
when we seem
to have so little
wisdom, ourselves?

Is this how all previous generations
before us felt
when we thought
they had all the answers?

I suppose having one day’s more
experience than someone else
makes us wise
in their eyes.

And so, who would have guessed
that wisdom
and knowledge
are relative?

Haiku On Change (reposted)


See this little bug?

Squash it and the world changes.

So, leave it alone.

Unpleasant Surprises

Something is leaving unpleasant surprises in my lawn.
Dog or cat or groundhog or coyote?
Whatever it is, it’s hard to see before I step on it or run it over with the mower.

Something is leaving unpleasant surprises in my refrigerator.
Molding or rotting or souring or freezer burned?
Whatever is it, it’s hard to see before I open the container and let out the ick.

Something is leaving unpleasant surprises in my life.
Boredom or stress or illness or death?
Whatever it is, it’s hard to see before I fall into its depression.

Now that I know what might be waiting,
Maybe I need to be more aware,
So I don’t fall, eat or step into any more

Unpleasant Surprises.