An Alternate Reality

Archive for October, 2015

Of Deaths and Funerals and Memorial Services

It’s all around, in my face
this death and loss.

Why didn’t I notice it before?
Why is it so crushing now?

I see different ways I can cope.

Either everything becomes pointless,
or everything becomes precious.

It’s up to me to decide which.
So, I choose…

The Winds of October

The winds of October
tugging off the yellowing leaves
gathering them from lawn to lawn
until they are caught in a fence
or pile up under a bush

The winds of Change
tugging off the illusion of security in my life
gathering my memories from a life now past
until they are caught in my present thoughts
and pile up in a jumble of emotions

The winds that scatter seeds
The winds that swirl loose rubbish
The winds that have no plan
The winds that make no judgements

I’m left holding these dead leaves
and loose rubbish
but somewhere in the decay
are the seeds of the future
and the promise of new life, come the Spring.

Every Woman

Not all of us are sisters
Not all of us are aunts
Not all of us are mothers
but all of us are daughters.

Not all of us have riches
Not all of us have beauty
Not all of us have wisdom
but all of us are sacred.

Not all of us can sew
Not all of us can cook
Not all of us can nurture
but all of us are gifted.

Each one of us is precious
Each one of us is worthy
Each one of us is connected
by the womanhood we share!